State of the Backcountry 2017: Greenland and the Sierra Nevada

From polar powder to the best corn skiing on planet earth, this report comes to you from Arctic Greenland and the Sierra Nevada. It’s been a crazy winter in the Sierra and skiing in the home range is nothing short of all-time with several weeks of high quality skiing still on tap. But for the… Continue reading State of the Backcountry 2017: Greenland and the Sierra Nevada

State of the Backcountry 2017: PNH Tour Camp Edition, Chugach Mountains, AK

As winter turns to spring, year in and year out, the compass always points to Alaska. Snowsliders the world over have been making the trek for over 25 years, and while the best ski day is always exactly where you’re at, there’s still nothing like scoring a pristine day in the Chugach Mountains. I have… Continue reading State of the Backcountry 2017: PNH Tour Camp Edition, Chugach Mountains, AK