With the threat of drilling on the jagged horizon of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a skier and conservationist looks to the local Indigenous community for answers. Words and photos by Brennan Lagasse   This article was originally published in The Backwoods Issue | No. 156. To read more, pick up a copy, or subscribe to see… Continue reading THE SACRED PLACE WHERE LIFE BEGINS | BACKCOUNTRY MAGAZINE


Our 2023 Arctic Refuge experience with current students, alumni, Ming, myself, and Robert.

  For POW Creative Alliance member Brennan Lagasse, protecting the Arctic is about more than just safeguarding the landscape from fossil fuel development and drilling. It’s about preserving the culture and way of life of its human inhabitants. Lagasse is a sustainability professor at UNR at Lake Tahoe (formerly Sierra Nevada College), a writer and… Continue reading INVITATION TO THE ARCTIC: BRENNAN LAGASSE’S JOURNEY TO SAFEGAURD THE ARCTIC REFUGE’S HERITAGE AND FUTURE| PROTECT OUR WINTERS

Arctic Refuge Slide Show @Patagonia Reno 2/8/24 7pm with Ming Poon and Supporting Informed Experiences 501(c)(3)

Excited to share the stage with my good friend and standout photographer, Ming Poon sharing photos, videos, and stories from our trip to the Arctic Refuge last summer. Details here and below, I hope you can make it!

Arctic Refuge Slide Show 10/18/24 Tahoe City, CA 730pm Student Presentations, Photography by Ming Poon

A moment before this rainbow started going big, Robert Thompson asked me if I had ever seen a rainbow make a full circle.

The Sacred Place Where Life Begins: Stories and Adventures from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge   Brennan Lagasse has been traveling to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for over a decade. This past summer, a dream trip years in the making was realized when local Tahoe college students from Sierra Nevada College, alongside past and… Continue reading Arctic Refuge Slide Show 10/18/24 Tahoe City, CA 730pm Student Presentations, Photography by Ming Poon

It’s time to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by KAYLA HEIDENREICH

Myself, current students, and Kayla in the Arctic Refuge this past summer, July 2024. Photo: Ming Poon

*If you visit the Informed Experiences page you’ll see several examples of student work I have highlighted from our field work over the years in the Arctic Refuge. Kayala was once a student in my sustainability classes, graduated as valedictorian, and today continues to use her experience and voice to advocate for Arctic Refuge protection.… Continue reading It’s time to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by KAYLA HEIDENREICH

The siren is Silenced!

  Following up from last month’s post, during this time to celebrate silence, it’s important to share  that with energy that might have had to continue going to fight the siren as a racist relic from the settler-colonial era, energy can now be better allocated to healing and joyful projects such as Washiw Zulshish Goom… Continue reading The siren is Silenced!

Tahoe’s Tallest Peak and Silencing the last sundown siren

Sitting atop the tallest peak in the Tahoe Basin, with a clear view East towards the Minden siren. This and the the other outdoor photos shared here are in support of a short film related to the silencing of the siren, and support for the Washiw. Grateful to Anthony and First Tracks Productions for the support along with friend and ally Michelle Parker.

Battles for sustainability and justice take time. Many have come before us in solidarity, and many movements continue in struggle and resistance today. More often than not, accepting the long fought process can be difficult, but is necessary. Far too seldom are opportunities to live in celebration for having won a battle in the greater… Continue reading Tahoe’s Tallest Peak and Silencing the last sundown siren

Outdoor Allies with the Outdoor Alliance

If you’re new to the OA take a few minutes to see where you fit into their work. If you care about the outdoors, they are a group you want to be connected to and support.    From OA:  Ever wondered how you can do more for public lands but you aren’t sure where to… Continue reading Outdoor Allies with the Outdoor Alliance