Our 2023 Arctic Refuge experience with current students, alumni, Ming, myself, and Robert.

  For POW Creative Alliance member Brennan Lagasse, protecting the Arctic is about more than just safeguarding the landscape from fossil fuel development and drilling. It’s about preserving the culture and way of life of its human inhabitants. Lagasse is a sustainability professor at UNR at Lake Tahoe (formerly Sierra Nevada College), a writer and… Continue reading INVITATION TO THE ARCTIC: BRENNAN LAGASSE’S JOURNEY TO SAFEGAURD THE ARCTIC REFUGE’S HERITAGE AND FUTURE| PROTECT OUR WINTERS

Professor and backcountry ski guide Brennan Lagasse explores the conflicts between outdoor recreation and sustainability, providing tips for getting outside as an environmental advocate

The roots. Mom taking me skiing in the early days at either Pico or Killington, VT. Thanks Mom!

An interview on sustainable recreation with UNR at Lake Tahoe: Brennan Lagasse is a teaching assistant professor at the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe. He teaches courses across departments and programs through a holistic approach grounded in sustainability education. In Fall 2024, he will be teaching the Sociology of Climate Change as part… Continue reading Professor and backcountry ski guide Brennan Lagasse explores the conflicts between outdoor recreation and sustainability, providing tips for getting outside as an environmental advocate

Outdoor Allies with the Outdoor Alliance

If you’re new to the OA take a few minutes to see where you fit into their work. If you care about the outdoors, they are a group you want to be connected to and support.    From OA:  Ever wondered how you can do more for public lands but you aren’t sure where to… Continue reading Outdoor Allies with the Outdoor Alliance

Alpenglow Sports Community Book Initiative

Alpenglow Sports operates through a rich and connected community-centric business model. For 42 years, we have put on events that bring our community together and facilitate fun, education and inspiration. One has to look no further than our Winter Speaker Series or Mountain Festival, both of which are large-scale events that seek to give back to the community that… Continue reading Alpenglow Sports Community Book Initiative

The Launch of the Ice Axe Impact School

An Impact School Classroom, high in the rainforest canopy. Brazilian Amazon, October, 2018

TRUCKEE, CALIF. (PRWEB) OCTOBER 18, 2018 The Ice Axe Foundation is proud to announce the launch of the Ice Axe Impact School, an educational platform formed to facilitate transformational experiences for students and active learners across the globe. The Ice Axe Impact School has been many years in the making and was founded by Douglas Stoup,… Continue reading The Launch of the Ice Axe Impact School